Bags online store
Company specialised on selling bags online but also using physical shops.
The previous online store became too difficult to manage; texts were displayed using images – which did not help the site’s SEO; the unavailability and long delai of response from the previous developpers forced the client to rebuild his site…
As Transycons was already in charge of the social netwoks of Francuir, it was a natural choice for rebuilding the site, based on an OpenSource solution.
Project details
- Creation of a new graphical design
- Configuration of the store structure (categories, product attributs, brands, etc…)
- Blog
- Newsletter
- Compare product
- Authentication using social networks
- Import: clients / adresses / products and categories from the ancien site (developed with Symfony)
Solution OpenSource PrestaShop V 1.6.
Custom functionalities and developpement with PHP.


Products list

Product detail